Alan Ewing
Is this you and me
Caught in tears
After so much laughter
the storm it came
whose to blame
for the hereafter
I think I'll laugh
Oh so naff
Afraid of tears
Let's pick up
Smile from above
And laugh again
Alan Ewing
Is this you and me
Caught in tears
After so much laughter
the storm it came
whose to blame
for the hereafter
I think I'll laugh
Oh so naff
Afraid of tears
Let's pick up
Smile from above
And laugh again
The Loves of Mr Henson
a lyric by Alan Ewing
Mister Henson loves his garden
He loves to dig up the weeds
He relishes turning up the dandelions
To take his mind off his weekly deeds
Mister Henson loves his car
He takes his family for rides
He takes them to the countryside
It occupies his mind
Mr Henson, Mr Henson, The Loves of Mr Henson
Mister Henson loves the sea
It gives a calming effect
It helps him to forget about the work
In a heap upon his desk
On Monday morning he rises early
And reflects on his weekend bliss
His thoughts are so tranquil
As he heads to his office
Mr Henson, Mr Henson, The Loves of Mr Henson
He watches the sunrise in the sky, after he has left his car
He thinks back to the preceding evening, with the beauty of the evening stars
Mister Henson!
All In Life's stride
a lyric by Alan Ewing
We all must find a way, to take life as it comes each day
Troubles they come, troubles they go, pick oneself up when things are low
Truer words can be never be spoken, like those which are honestly woken
A glem of honesty in the heart is a good way for us to start
All In Life's Stride
It's all down to you
All in life's stride
The next day is new
The experience you need
Is what you've been through
Discover humour as a key, because only this will make you see
That the world can be a funny place, nothing like the smile on a face
There'll always be people who'll put you down, always making you frown
Though take it lightly, and pass it by, believe in self and reach for the sky
All In Life's Stride
It's all down to you
The feelings you try to hide
Reveal themselves as truth
All In Life's stride
The next day is new
The experience you need
Is what you've been through
[Repeat previous two choruses]
A Wedding In Reading
a lyric by Alan Ewing
The groom was late by half an hour
Not realising that drink contained such power
The night before had been his stag night
His best man had ended up in a fight
After a bowl of cornflakes with scrambled eggs
He could hardly stand upon his legs
He gulped down his coffee and rushed out the door
And promptly fell face down upon the floor
A Wedding in Reading
A great happy day
New sheets and bedding
And laughs on the way
The bride she was a lovely sight
You 'd never have believed she's been up all night
She just couldn't sleep and watched the clock
Counting the seconds till her wedlock
Little sister was with her by breakfast time
With mother on the gin and father on the wine
They'd spent all that they possessed in the world
To make this day special for their little girl
A Wedding in Reading
A toot and a pip
To the bedroom it's heading
For a bit of a kip
Do you hereby undertake to spend all your days
Watching soap operas on the telly in a drunken haze
You have new days in the nappies, recoil from the smell of the crappies
Though it sure beats being alone in a flat, even if you feel like a doormat
A Wedding in Reading
A toot and a pip
To the bedroom it's heading
For a bit of a kip
A Wedding in Reading
A great happy day
New sheets and bedding
And laughs on the way
Sonnet 116:
Let me not to the marriage of true mind, by William Shakespeare
A blog exposition by Alan Ewing
Firstly, Sonnet 116 itself, a slow absorbtion of the words, followed by a second reading, then read my paragraphs below, then returning to the Sonnet, as the rhythm of the language flows as you get used to it:
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.
Outside of the Bible then Shakespeare is the ultimate writer about the sheer nature of love. In Shakespear this is romantic love, whereas The New Testament deals primiarily with general love. Sonnet 116 is about the stability of true love. A marriage indeed. One in which the lovers can face every trial that life may bring, every test that fate might throw into their path. Love does not change in the face of such change, else it is not true love. Love is like a fixed star that is immovable.
Time cannot affect love if it is true. For it grows within time. Shakespeare is telling us that fickle fancies will also not interfere with the course of true love. When it is entwined then it is rooted in such a way as to be the foundation stone of life itself. Companionship, friendship and loyalty are enshrined within it, through good times and bad. Love can conquer every hardship, even when all seems lost, and is the most powerful force that we ever encounter in our lives, when it is true. If not, says Shakespeare, then he, The Bard, was never a writer.
©dewyswriter exluding Sonnet 116
Excerpt here from Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, with Kate Winslet as Marianne reciting part of Sonnet 116
35 But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” 36 How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. 38 But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. 40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. 41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”[a]; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we[b] bear the image of the heavenly man.
The Ultimate Betrayal
a lyric by Alan Ewing
Trust was put in him,
but he betrayed without a care;
he committed the ultimate sin.
By giving over one so fair.
Thirty pieces of silver in hand,
he received his pay.
The world was just a grain of sand
In the universe on that fateful day.
Oh! Judas, you fool, you fool!
For playing satan's game.
Couldn't you see that you were just a tool?
For the assault upon The Holiest Name.
Oh! Modern churches unify,
In His Holy Name.
Sectarian interests multiply:
you have only yourselves to blame.
For is this not also betrayal?
To segregate His words.
Substituting conflict and dogma,
for the true message being heard ...
image The Last Supper by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1876
The condition should not be confused with bi-polar, as that has periods of low despairing moods alternating with manic episodes. Rather Emotional Dysregulation has its motions through anxiety related disorder. It also has roots in psychological and emotional trauma that may have taken place throughout life and these may have caused the condition to grow. The nature of close relationships in life will have a huge impact. Damage can be severely inflicted by abusive or malicious intent from others.
Alan Ewing, MSc, BA(Hons), Cert HE
The latest scientific thinking is that time travel to the past is not possible. This being because it is still happening. The evidence of this lies with the expanding universe and how we can look back in time to the early stages of the universe with telescopes. Same as in how light from stars emanated at an earlier period of time and yet we are seeing it in the present. We cannot go back to what is still happening
The present is a product of the past. It only exists maybe for a fraction nano-second as time keeps moving. So to be in the present may well be a misconception. The present tense becomes the past tense within the flicker of an eye-lash. So therefore our concept of the present moment is always out of date. And of course, as explained, we cannot go back to the moment that has passed.
The future then. Well, once again we cannot go into it. We can only predict what with the evidence that lies before us. Scientific thought says that all stars die and that eventually we will be left with black holes. All ends with The Creator, my own personal belief system. Again, on the question of the universe collapsing in upon itself, then The Book of Revelation says that everything will return to God, including Christ. Our choice is to believe that all of this is meaningless, or else something is behind it.
copyright dewyswriter2021
a lyric by Alan Ewing
And if somebody
Brought love back to you
And that somebody
Always would be true
And can somebody
Really come through
Not like somebody
Who leaves you cold and blue
Verse 1
There was a time I lived in need
When it seemed to me
I needed a hand
From someone who believed
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2
Then came a place
When it seemed to me
That I had a gift
To go out there and set others free
Repeat Chorus
President Jimmy Carter. A Prophecy
a blog by Alan Ewing
We live in an age now of mass consumerism. All spiritual values tossed aside in the madness of the Fruedian id. No longer sociologically do the ego or super-ego exist. Everything is based on "I want" and self-opinionated bluster. Money has become the god ...the golden calf. In 1979 Jimmy Carter, President of America made a heart-felt plea that still resounds to this day. It was ignored, and Reaganism/Thatcherism would come to rule the world. For some that meant standing up to the Soviet Union. For others, it meant hard poverty as the rich got richer as they protected their interests.
Carter in early parts of the speech outlines energy and consumption. Fine, Amereican domestic politics then. Though he goes on to outline not just the future of America, though also the future of humanity; Watergate and corruption; the loss of caring in society.
"Our people are losing that faith, not only in government itself but in the ability as citizens to serve as the ultimate rulers and shapers of our democracy. As a people we know our past and we are proud of it. Our progress has been part of the living history of America, even the world. We always believed that we were part of a great movement of humanity itself called democracy, involved in the search for freedom; and that belief has always strengthened us in our purpose. But just as we are losing our confidence in the future, we are also beginning to close the door on our past.
Carter outlines how Americans , the leaders of humanity, has become economic in nature and is failing to see the spirituality upon which it was founded:
"In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit
communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship
self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one
does, but by what one owns. But we’ve discovered that owning things and
consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We’ve learned that
piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no
confidence or purpose."
The speech stands as a statement about all that was to come. The selfish greed that would appear. Maybe it is time for the centre-left to redraw itself and realise that the only way back is to take down selfishness and greed. To create a more humane and caring society, that can then be addressed to the developing nations.
Speech here
Alan Ewing
©dewyswriter 2021
Wentworth Prison (Australian TV Series), a blog by Alan Ewing
Leading characters together, Bea Smith, Joan Ferguson, Franky Doyle take the centre stage
Wentworth Prison is an Australian prison drama, based on Prisoner Cell Block H, an Australia prison dram from the 1980s. It is a complete reinvention. Wentworth is the ultimate prison drama. The sheer brutality of the power struggles that go on with thin this women’s prison are harrowing as they battle for Top Dog status, and yet compelling viewing, as the correction system tethers on collapse at times. Lesbianism, drugs, knife crime are rife, as is betrayal and scheming. The prison staff meanwhile have the good characters and the bad characters. This blog is an introduction to five of the main players within this drama.
BEA SMITH (Danielle Cormack): The ultimate Top Dog. Begins life in Wentworth in a state of terror. Following the death of her daughter a new edge develops that turns her into the most power fun character within the whole series. Her reinvention owes more than a little to Joan Ferguson (see below).
FRANKY DOYLE (Nicole Da Silva): In a battle for Top Dog when Bea Smith arrives. Franky was a victim of childhood abuse and this has shaped her outlook upon the world.
ALLIE NOVACK: (Kate Jenkinson) The most unlikely of Top Dogs. Ally is the blonde bombshell whose survival skills have been learnt through years of drug dependency. She becomes Bea Smith’s lover.
JOAN FERGURSON (Pamela Rade): A Prison Governor who likes to wear her uniform. “The Freak” as the women call her. A voyeur, a manipulation. Game-player supreme.
Will Jackson
WILL JACKSON(Robbie Magasiva): If you are looking for a good guy then Will is your man. Helps the girls where he can, though is very much a Ladies man.
Theme Music
Seasons 1 - 8 are currently on Box Set on the My 5 Player ... the final season (9) is due to be released over the Summer.
Conspiracy Theorist
a lyric by Alan Ewing
I’m a conspiracy theorist
If you get my gist
Spend my days spreading memes
If you get my drift
Don’t believe the news
Just believe in me
I’ll fill your mind
With some conspiracy
Get all my facts straight
Within my own world
Gonna give you the whole truth
The best you’ve heard
I have worked it all out
What they’re gonna do
I’ll tell you right now
Then it’s up to you
This British film noir has an usual connection to Marilyn Monroe. Released in 1953, the same year as MM’s “Niagara”, it was released in the UK as “Marilyn”, while in the USA as “Roadhouse Girl”. The British made film is not about Marilyn Monroe in any way, though it does, with its main character, played by British actress, Sandra Dorne, bear a sticking resemblance to the character of Rose Loomis, in “Niagara”.
This well received film veers around themes of narcissism. The lead character is Marilyn Saunders, who lives in a make-believe world of fantasy where all is perfect. When reality intrudes upon this, then whoever intrudes upon her dream will pay a heavy price. She is unhappily married at the start of the film. A roaming mechanic comes to work for her husband and soon she is involved with him. This leads to the accidental death of her husband. She has fed her dreams to the mechanic and quickly drops him as she finds another stepping stone to her perfect life in the form of a playboy who is passing through.
The film is well worth checking out. I should say that the ending has not been given away here. Its themes are absolutely relevant to the world that we find ourselves in today. An age where narcissism is encouraged through social media.
"Charlie Says", a film drama about The Manson Women
I have already written about the horrific murder of Sharon Tate and her friends on 9th August 1969 in a previous blog. Suffice to say that the most harrowing moment within "Charlie Says", is when a re-enactment of eight-month pregnant Sharon, shows her sobbing and pleading, after her group of friends have been murdered before her, to be allowed to live to have her baby before the knives close in upon her. It remains as one of the most heinous acts of brutal crime in history. Even a dramatic reconstruction has the power to reduce any viewer to tears of grief and despair about human nature at its worst.
Charles Manson was a shrewd manipulator. A known felon in many states who was allowed to roam by the authorities, finally setting up a cult, "The Family", based on a mixture of paganism, hedonism, Judaeo-Christian misinterpretation, and a strange listening of The Beatles White album. He viewed himself as a prophet. His ranting about white supremacy, and his visions of his followers turning into elves who sprout wings are documented in the film, together with his deluded sense of musical genius, fed by his friendships in the rock circles of the late 1960s. Manson's vision would soon turn into guns and knives.
The film in question here concerns the story of The Manson Women, Lulu, Katie and Sadie, who together with Ted Watson committed atrocity under Manson's brainwash. And the work done by Karlene Faith, Ph.D with them. The film turns though on the story of the women. Each renamed by Manson from their original names as given by their parents. Faith carries out therapy on these women in jail, where they are each still under cult brainwash, and endlessly quote Manson, aka "Charlie Says". Deep questions arise on whether or not these women are victims.
By the conclusion of Karleen Faith's psychological work all three have had to realise their true identities and the absolute horror of their actions. Manson is renounced as, in Faith's words, she has opened them up to their true life sentences, in which they will be tormented every day by the actions that they committed.
"Charlies Says" can current be viewed on the All4 Player. Link at
Alan Ewing
Got make this mine
Have to take my time
Rebuild from inside of me
Moving on is all I see
No more dealing with psychodrama
When all turns into a panorama
I just need to set myself free
In the end I just gotta be me
a blog by Alan Ewing
The Circle is a Channel 4 reality TV show. It is based on its participants staying in an apartment block in different rooms, without seeing each other, while isolated from the outside world. Their only means of communication with each other lies in voice controlled social media.
The show is complex as the Catfish take part. Those who use fake personas. Fakery corrupts the genuine as friendships are formed to create alliances for the goal of winning £100,000. The Freudian id competes with the ego and super ego as the game intensifies. There is much in this tv social experiment that lends itself to social media, particularly Facebook. Your best friend may be playing you. That beautiful woman or handsome man may actually be the opposite sex or many years older than they are presenting themselves.
All becomes a matter of trust and
perception as the game develops. So much relates to Facebook as it becomes
difficult to know who is being genuine and who is indulging their own ego. In
offline life a person may be completely different to how they are portraying
themselves online. Emotional and psychological gameplay can do great harm to
the vulnerable. Rooting out narcissists who do this becomes essential to online
experience.The saying "Fool me once, you're the fool, fool me twice, I'm the fool" is prevalent within the show's atmosphere, as emotions soar.
©dewyswriter 2021
Battle Of The Sexes
Alan Ewing
he takes her home in his car
he thinks he owns her
he 's such a star
and she is nowhere
Battle of the sexes
Neither wins
Both lose
Until they are intact
he sees a little possession
something to overpower
to assert his ego
in the manly hour
Battle of the sexes
Neither wins
Both lose
Until they are intact
she wants protection
someone to trust
a ship to anchor
A sure must
Battle of the sexes
Neither wins
Both lose
Until they are intact
for only a woman
can save a man
God's lovely creation
so hard to fathom
only can a man
protect a woman
his little Eve
so much trouble
Battle of the sexes
Neither wins
Both lose
Until they are intact
copyright dewyswriter 2021
The Way
Some people tell you what to think
They tell you what to say
They take you to the brink
Of another way
But they have never known The Way
Their lives have never known its Light
They have never known The Truth
They are yet to see The Life
Let those people think what they think
Let them say what they say
Let them travel to the brink
Of another way
For they have never known The Way
Their lives have never known its Light
They have never known The Truth
They are yet to see The Life
All must try to find The Way
All must try to find The Way
All must try to find The Way
All must try to find The Way
- Alan Ewing
©dewyswriter 2021
When The Lockdown Breaks
When the lockdown breaks
then take my hand
just twist and shout
all across the land
When the lockdown aches
have taken a toll
just be my Bonnie
be my little moll
When the lockdown takes
its heavy hand away
just dance with me
on a brand new day
When the lockdown makes
us all cry with shock
hold me in your love
be my little rock
When the lockdown lakes
are full to overflow
drag me from the mire
make my troubles go
When the lockdown breaks
when all has gone away
release me, forgive me
all of my days
Alan Ewing
©dewyswriter 2021
Pretty Little Liars
This astonishing American TV series revolves around the principle Gang of Four high school American teenage girls. What begins as a simple premise for an an at-the-hop show develops into one of the most complex TV series of all time.
Based on the series of books by Sara Shepherd, the series twists and turns on every level. Rosetown, Pennsylvania is the setting: a place of pleasant suburbia underneath which lies threatening presences and deep threats to the leading characters.
The plot begins with the disappearance of the fifth ex-member and former leader of the gang, Alison. When strange texts start arriving to the girls from “A” then the assumption is that it is she who is sending them. This is as far as the plot description goes on this blog, as no spoilers.
The secondary characters, as in all good writing, ably support the main characters in the story. These bring in other age groups, with the parents, partners in sub-plots involving them and associates.
The show covers many themes. Part of the main theme covers human identity, and how intentions are interpreted. This is masterfully done as we as an audience swing from from one extreme to another in our own interpretations of what an individual is motivated by. Part of the craft of the writing is how we are led into that. The questions that we all face as human beings about ethics, and survival, are fully explored with the darker side of experience.
The show cross-references its own influences, with the detective aspect, “Nancy Drew”, “Charlie’s Angels” and “Scooby Doo” all referenced, as well as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and JK Rowling.
In essence, the series continually goes up a notch in each of the seven series that it expands out to. The acting and screen writing are masterful. This is a TV Box Set on BBC i-Player that is completely and totally addictive.
The series spawned a series of sequels, with 'Pretty Little Liars: Redwood' and 'Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists' incorporating supporting characters into main roles. The really big update came in 'Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin' with a slasher-horror movie angle as 'A' returns in shocking mode to haunt the lives of a brand new set of characters. This sequel is a no-holds-barred reinvention designed to put viewers on the edge of the seat. Again on BBC i-Player
Alan Ewing Feb 2021
Theme Song