Monday 13 September 2021

All In Life's Stride, a lyric by Alan Ewing

 All In Life's stride

a lyric by Alan Ewing

We all must find a way, to take life as it comes each day

Troubles they come, troubles they go, pick oneself up when things are low

Truer words can be never be spoken, like those which are honestly woken

A glem of honesty in the heart is a good way for us to start

All In Life's Stride

It's all down to you

All in life's stride

The next day is new

The experience you need

Is what you've been through

Discover humour as a key, because only this will make you see

That the world can be a funny place, nothing like the smile on a face

There'll always be people who'll put you down, always making you frown

Though take it lightly, and pass it by, believe in self and reach for the sky

All In Life's Stride

It's all down to you

The feelings you try to hide

Reveal themselves as truth

All In Life's stride

The next day is new

The experience you need

Is what you've been through

[Repeat previous two choruses]


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