Wednesday 17 February 2021

God ... a conversation with a friend

a conversation with a friend

Seriously, I find that it helps to see God in the feminine at times ... six of one, half a dozen of the other ... away from convention ... I read Biblical Books like "Song of Songs" and learn that God is far closer than we think. God is a personal matter, so the last thing we want is a friend talking at us about that which encompasses us all. I try to see this in science too, as Creation expands, until renewed. Though in the end, it is for us ourselves on a personal level to work it out. I always as a teenager loved what Jesus said, oh you know, about keeping your prayer in your room. Yes, I did the church gig and played music in there, lead services up to Intercession, backed for priesthood; though I still love the personal gig. I can't prescribe anything ... I just know that God is in everything that we do ... it is not a club.

I don't have all of the answers ... I just say Hallelujah anyway ... even when all seems dark ... I did that in prison in short spell there (unjust episode in life) ... I simply read The Lord's Word and prayed ... one of my most cherished memories in life was when I did a reading in the Chapel and guards and prisoners alike gave me a round of applause ... I knew then that God was with me and related so much to St Paul when he was imprisoned
Alan Ewing


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