Monday 13 September 2021

A Wedding In Reading, a lyric by Alan Ewing

 A Wedding In Reading

a lyric by Alan Ewing

The groom was late by half an hour

Not realising that drink contained such power

The night before had been his stag night

His best man had ended up in a fight

After a bowl of cornflakes with scrambled eggs

He could hardly stand upon his legs

He gulped down his coffee and rushed out the door

And promptly fell face down upon the floor

A Wedding in Reading

A great happy day

New sheets and bedding

And laughs on the way

The bride she was a lovely sight

You 'd never have believed she's been up all night

She just couldn't sleep and watched the clock

Counting the seconds till her wedlock

Little sister was with her by breakfast time

With mother on the gin and father on the wine

They'd spent all that they possessed in the world

To make this day special for their little girl

A Wedding in Reading

A toot and a pip

To the bedroom it's heading

For a bit of a kip

Do you hereby undertake to spend all your days

Watching soap operas on the telly in a drunken haze

You have new days in the nappies, recoil from the smell of the crappies

Though it sure beats being alone in a flat, even if you feel like a doormat

A Wedding in Reading

A toot and a pip

To the bedroom it's heading

For a bit of a kip 

A Wedding in Reading

A great happy day

New sheets and bedding

And laughs on the way


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