Friday 7 April 2023

The Cross, The Resurrection, The Ascension & The Parousia, a blog with music track, by Alan Ewing





  The Cross, The Resurrection, The Ascension & The Parousia
 a blog with music by Alan Ewing

The Cross
Grace: an unmerited favour from God, which saves all from themselves, received through supernatural existential within human beings [Karl Rahner, theologian], which, in 21st Century scientific terms, would equate to macro-existentialism which can reach into the micro-existentialism of homo sapient species, all in keeping with Complexity, part of the scientific laws of physics in which the greater transfers energy to the lower.

The Resurrection, The Ascension & The Parousia 
 The Resurrection 
                           meets an age of disbelief

Ascension Eternal
                           no war, death, crying, no grief 
                                                      all pain and suffering brought into relief 
Hallelujah! Praise!
                           The King of Kings shall reign
                                                     no disease, poverty, or love in vain 

Revelation: The Parousia
                            for well we know The Kingdom is Thine
                                                     Eternity beyond the bonds of time 

'Messiah' song by Aylon [Alan Ewing] click on link blow ...

copyright dewyswriter 2023


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