Some kind of rationality needed on the Israel/Palestinian problem. "Land of Israel" was primarily Jewish around 1,000 years BCE (Judaism)...From around 1st Century CE it became Greco Roman owing to the onset of Christianity. Around 13th Century The Caliphate invaded and it became primarily Arabic with the onset of Islam. In step the British as we whizz forward to 20th Century.
After The Disapora of The Jews: The Holocaust happens ... The state of Israel is born in 1948 and it becomes primarily Jewish once more as many return to "the homeland". Formally recognised by US and Russia. British PM Atlee not happy. Partition is made for Arab sector ...Palestine. Arabs don't like it and decide to invade, Israel repels them and takes partition territories. A buffer zone against further invasion. Along the line groups like Hamas emerge (backed by Iran): terrorist organisations. Israel, now a right-wing country after starting life as a social democrat one, clamps down with harsh force. And so here we are.
Rationality is needed. Not taking sides. The International Code of Holocaust Remembrance is important in keeping Israel on board, and not causing it to become further defensive, if Palestine is to be free. Just my thoughts on it all ... hot-headedness and partisanship help nobody. What is needed is a two-state-solution that ensues that both these sets of people are allowed to live in peace alongside each other. It's a complex issue that needs cross-party support from around the world.
Alan Ewing
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