Friday 14 October 2022

The Birds, 1963 film by Alfred Hitchcock, a blog by Alan Ewing

 The Birds (1963) Alfred Hitchcock



Upon seeing it again in recent times I was blown out by how Hitchcock lifted the suspense. As a kid, I would watch it and just think of it about the birds ... nothing else, nothing more.

The suspense goes on for over half of the film. We find ourselves following the archetypal Hitchock Blonde, Tippi Hedren, as she vacates to Bodeger Bay, California, after meeting Rod Taylor in a pet shop selling birds. We are then taken on a love triangle with Rod's ex-lover discarded because of his draconian mother. The plot thickens as we learn of Rod's daughter. A couple of bird incidents happen. We are so involved with this relationship story. In the second hour we are rocked to the core.

Not the purpose here to give away the whole plot, as you never may have seen the movie. Rest assured that it is a trip of a lifetime as nature turns against humankind. Daphne Du Maurier wrote the original short story.

I'll just give you this terrifying scene ... 

Alan Ewing