"Charlie Says", a film drama about The Manson Women
I have already written about the horrific murder of Sharon Tate and her friends on 9th August 1969 in a previous blog. Suffice to say that the most harrowing moment within "Charlie Says", is when a re-enactment of eight-month pregnant Sharon, shows her sobbing and pleading, after her group of friends have been murdered before her, to be allowed to live to have her baby before the knives close in upon her. It remains as one of the most heinous acts of brutal crime in history. Even a dramatic reconstruction has the power to reduce any viewer to tears of grief and despair about human nature at its worst.
Charles Manson was a shrewd manipulator. A known felon in many states who was allowed to roam by the authorities, finally setting up a cult, "The Family", based on a mixture of paganism, hedonism, Judaeo-Christian misinterpretation, and a strange listening of The Beatles White album. He viewed himself as a prophet. His ranting about white supremacy, and his visions of his followers turning into elves who sprout wings are documented in the film, together with his deluded sense of musical genius, fed by his friendships in the rock circles of the late 1960s. Manson's vision would soon turn into guns and knives.
The film in question here concerns the story of The Manson Women, Lulu, Katie and Sadie, who together with Ted Watson committed atrocity under Manson's brainwash. And the work done by Karlene Faith, Ph.D with them. The film turns though on the story of the women. Each renamed by Manson from their original names as given by their parents. Faith carries out therapy on these women in jail, where they are each still under cult brainwash, and endlessly quote Manson, aka "Charlie Says". Deep questions arise on whether or not these women are victims.
By the conclusion of Karleen Faith's psychological work all three have had to realise their true identities and the absolute horror of their actions. Manson is renounced as, in Faith's words, she has opened them up to their true life sentences, in which they will be tormented every day by the actions that they committed.
"Charlies Says" can current be viewed on the All4 Player. Link at https://www.channel4.com/programmes/charlie-says
Alan Ewing