Sunday, 31 December 2017

Building A Yellow Submarine, Alan Ewing

Building A Yellow Submarine

For Christmas this year, I was gifted a Lego Yellow Submarine Kit by my daughter.  I opened the box to discover hundreds upon hundrds of tiny pieces alongside the slim building blocks. The challenge was intricate and immense. In my childhood, i was a Subbuteo Football Game fanatic; ready assembled and on the pitch you go. No Meccano kid me! So a major challenge lay before me.  A beautiful present; My daughter. My four best friends and the music that has informed me in every experience of existence. A work of love ensued.

As my study turned into a building yard, then my booky mind began to realise that purpose is all. That when we embark on a project of love then we are fulfilled.  I thought back to my time working in Occupational Therapy and how so often the way to reach into a person within breakdown was to engage them into a task that would focus their mind.

My reward from this whole experience was to value the little building blocks of life. Of course, it could be other pursuits. Gardening. Pursuing a walking map in action. Decorating. The main point is that it is active. Turning off the mind with tv, radio,  and the interactive social media is a good thing.  Though pursuits of love offline like reading, writing, music and drama have their places too. 

To summarise, then I feel that balance is all in life. There are many options day-to-day for us all now in terms of active and passive outlets.  A healthy mind can engage with social media, though to remain healthy it must have real, human offline pursuits too.

Alan Ewing, MSc, BA Hons, Cert HE

Friday, 22 December 2017

Christ Mass, an anglo-catholic witness, by Alan Ewing

an anglo-catholic witness by Alan Ewing 

the only clue we may have is a planetary conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, causing The Star of Bethlehem, as the magi were astrologers

Christmas. A celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ. Or is it? The synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, do not actually fix a date.

The church began celebrating "Christ Mass" in the 4th Century CE.  This was a time when The New Testament itself was being canonized.  The 1st Century CE is shrouded in mystery. Very little is known about it.

A linear date is not really the point. As The Gospel of John says: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God."

The symbolism of linear dated Christmas, 25th December, is that humanity is guided back to the light by the birth of Christ.  It comes a few days after Winter Solstice in The Northern Hemisphere, at which point The Earth tilts back towards the light of The Sun. After our fellow friends in Southern Hemisphere have enjoyed Summer.

The birth of Christ is an eternal event that transcends time.

Alan Ewing, anglo-catholic, December 2017