Thursday, 13 February 2025

Valentine Works Do, a two-paragraph story by Alan Ewing, with Jottings

  Valentine's Work Do
a 2 paragraph story by Alan Ewing 

Jimmy had it all worked out. His wife wouldn't be in till 6:30 pm. Julie was always a woman of routine with her work patterns. He had the table set with candles and wine. The bed was made. The electric blanket charged up. Barry White was on the record player. This would be a Valentine's Night to remember. One for the diary. he hooved up, cleaned and dusted so that Julie would be in a good mood with him when she got home.
When Julie arrived home her sister was with her. "Oh lovely!" Said her sister. "Table set and look at those chocolates". The door chimed its bell as more woman arrived. Jimmy had forgotten that it was Julie's annual works meeting and do. He went to bed with a lot of women's voices and laughter coming up through the ceiling. Jimmy hid his head under the pillow with great frustration.
 Valentine Jottings

Meanwhile, down Valentines Road, Raymond is pouring his heart out to his budgie. "Cheep Cheep' He chirped. The budgie had learned to talk and replied: 'This bird seed is crap, very cheap cheap!' [no budgies were harmed in writing this gag; and neither was Raymond] Laugh! I could cry with these gags. I wanted to be a gag writer though they kept taking me seriously. Oo la la then!

GAG: 'I keep getting strange numbers on my phone" said Ethel. "You been responding to supermarket surveys again!" Groaned Mabel.

VALENTINE: Cue to Forlorn Street, where Dave Robbins is throwing a wobble because he was turned down for a date by Janet Wharton. He said he'd put forward a pound if she topped up the date kitty to £20 ... he got small change! 

copyright dewyswriter 2025

Monday, 27 January 2025

But I Didn't Get A Prize! A bit of a gag by Alan Ewing, with video

a bit of a gag by Alan Ewing


Once there was a show
One that would outwardly go
To where no other had been
A VOICE CRIED: “But I didn’t get a prize!”

Onwards the troupe would travel
Over pebble roads and gravel
To whence nobody had been before
AND THE VOICE CRIED: “But I didn’t get a prize!”

The ensemble walked over grass and fields
Dining each day on frugal meals
As they trudged along their way
THE VOICE STILL CRIED: “But I didn’t get a prize

The mobile wardrobe was in function
Some went fishing for their luncheon
Traveling on empty stomachs and mouths
THE VOICE CONTINUED TO CRY: “But I didn’t get a prize!”

Finally the cast reached their destination
No more time for procrastination
As the actors took to the stage
WITH THE VOICE CALLING: “But I didn’t get a prize!”

Finally someone heard the voice shout
And went and asked what it was all about?

TO WHICH CAME THE ANSWER: “But I didn’t get a prize! All I wanted was a balloon at the last place that we stopped!  

And so a shiny red balloon was given
As peace of call was hastily striven



copyright dewyswriter 2025

Saturday, 28 December 2024

December Jottings 2024, by Alan Ewing

by Alan Ewing


December, December, such a precious jewel,
all the things that you gave me,
in my little youth
Such a gorgeous special month,
In a special way
Mince pies always your way
Sherry was such a wow
Never in the year
Got a mouth full of chocolate
And a little tear
Love how you are bringing
Joy unto each day
You special month
With us each day
December, December, how I love you so
Still giving to me
As your love does grow
Now do I
Have to say it twice
The Birth of Christ
Love Eternal

And God Bless

And God Bless
Those who seek to love
Those who seek to help
Amongst affliction

Give Glory
To the spirit of love
Wherever it abides
In Truth

Heaven help
Those in need
For ever more

Give to those
Wherever in hope
They seek the word of God
Within their cloak

Reach out and touch
Those who are bereaved
Show that The Way
Touches those who ask


All he ever wanted was a wife
Life of trouble and strife
One to dance with and argue
Till the song is through
Just a little wifie-pops
Goodness Gracious me
One who likes the footy
When it's on the TV

Get told off for doing nothing
On a lazy day
Wifie knows best
As you make her a cup of tea

For your woman rules the world
As she tells you off
You are under command
This life was meant to be

And so for those without a wifie-pops
Such is me
Then live life in hope
For her you just might see
For one thing
I know to be true
A man needs a woman
For this life to bloom


Grief: A Reflection


Grief.  So important to release it. Lest it comes back to bite you at a later point. Often that can take the form of anger, resentment against creation. The demons will seize upon that and all kinds of psychological problems can ensue. It helps when you have friends who are Angels and can bring out the tears and harrowing forms of weeping. This is for the best. For in that release the answers arrive from God. Your loved ones will always be in your heart. To cry for them is everything. For out of those tears, the seeds of Joy will be born as you give thanks for your time with them. All hatred, malice and all forms of demonic carry-on will be defeated. And the Love that you received from your special ones will reign in your heart eternally.

 Next Christmas


Next Christmas
I'm having JamTarts
Even if Mince Pies are on a special
This year I gave up Fruit Pastilles
And Fruit Gums too
For Chocolate Decorations made by you

Well, you knew that I was a sweets loving man
Right from the very start
Knew that I drank my cola straight form the can
Next Christmas
I'm having Suet Pudding with Jam
Christmas Pudding out with the Ham
I gave up all of my Smarties
To eat the buttons off the tree
They did not agree with me
You just knew the way to my tummy
Was 'Tell 'em about the honey mummy'
Yet I had to have Shredded Wheat

Next Christmas
With no tears for my Dairy Milk
I'll hide it wrapped in silk

Monster Out Of The Mist

It came
Tearing up roots
Completely Insane

Whatever the weather
They said
All will be fine

... Now they are dead

                                            It came in mist                                        
Devoured all
None saved
It stood tall

A demon ‘‘twas said
That rose from the dead
Everybody was scared
Lots of screams heard

It came from the mist
Life’s little twist
As death came calling
Without any warning

copyright dewyswriter 2024



Sunday, 8 December 2024

Carry On, a lyric by Alan Ewing






 Carry On
a lyric by Alan Ewing

I pitch this looking for a new start
Because hereafter we must part
When you gave yourself to him
Threw away what could have been

And so you have had your little fling
Leaving me to exist as a forlorn being
People give out lots of general advice
Fool me once then I’ll know when twice

Carry On: as you like
Carry On: out of sight

You are not the person that I thought to be
Seeking to inflict pain and hurt on me
Treating me as a fool rather than a friend
It got so bad that I brought it to an end

Yours always if you had seen and believed
Too busy with gratification for you to see
And so we part no longer even friends
A sad tale has been brought to an end

Carry on: in your way
Carry on: on another day



copyright dewyswriter 2024

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs, Jottings & Gags (5) Christmas Annual







Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs, Jottings & Gags (5) 
Christmas Annual
Christmas Themed excerpts from Ebook 

My True Love At Christmas
by Alan Ewing

On the first day of Christmas, my true love said to me: "You can get that beard shaved off to begin with!"

On the second day of Christmas, my true love said to me: "Oi! You give more attention to Facebook than you do to me!

On the third day of Christmas , my true love said to me:  “You can do the dishes”

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love said to me: “What happened to my present?”

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love love to me: ”No Christmas Cake in bed for you tonight!”

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love said to me: ”I’m putting you out with the left-overs”

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love said to me: “I’m your Christmas Cracker!”

On the eight day of Christmas, my true love said to me:  “All booze bottles contents are measured”

On the ninth day of Christmas. My true love said to me:  “You pinched the last chocolate!”

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love said to me:  “My word rules!”

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love said to me: "I guess that you deserve a kiss”

 On the Twelfth day of Christmas, my true love said to me "You always hog the TV Remote!"

an anglo-catholic witness by Alan Ewing 

Christmas. A celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ. Or is it? The synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, do not actually fix a date.

The church began celebrating "Christ Mass" in the 4th Century CE.  This was a time when The New Testament itself was being canonised.  The 1st Century CE is shrouded in mystery. Very little is known about it.

A linear date is not really the point. As The Gospel of John says: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God."

The symbolism of linear dated Christmas, 25th December, is that humanity is guided back to the light by the birth of Christ.  It comes a few days after Winter Solstice in The Northern Hemisphere, at which point The Earth tilts back towards the light of The Sun. After our fellow friends in Southern Hemisphere have enjoyed Summer.

The birth of Christ is an eternal event that transcends time.

Advent Story (with video)

Advent for Samantha and Steve was always a precious time. They had met at this time of year. They had got engaged a year later in the season. And then, a year later they had married in Advent. Both of their children, a boy and a girl had been born in Advent. And then they had split up in Advent.
The new Advent came with a Decree Nisi on their marriage, with the intention for the Decree Absolute to follow. But their Advent Story was not over just yet. For Steve and Samantha rekindled their romance, withdrew the divorce proceedings, and would have many Advent Anniversaries and grandchildren in the Advents to come.

GAG: “Fancy pulling a Christmas Cracker?” Asked Jimmo’s sister-in-law. “You bet!” He replied, putting his arm around her. Jimmo spent the rest of the night in the dog-house outside.

Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs, Jottings & Gags by Alan Ewing
available on Amazon

copyright dewyswriter 2024

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs,Jottings & Gags (4) by Alan Ewing


Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs Jottings & Gags(4) 
 by Alan Ewing

 excerpts from eBook (4)

Two Paragraph Story

The Artist
William was an artist. His pastoral renderings were always in demand. His depictions of the countryside were breath-taking in their scope and attention to detail. His inspiration came from long walks in the countryside. These walks would begin at five in the morning, whatever the season.  Rain snow, wind and sunshine all formed part of the work that he did. His passion for his work knew no boundary. William simply lived for painting, It was his reason to exist.
 The day came when William knew that it was time for his final painting. Though this one would not be with his easel and materials. This work would be one constructed from his mind. He visualised all of the images that he had painted. William became one with them. Encompassing all of the aspects of nature that he had portrayed, William departed the current state of existence and became one with all that is.




When Love ruled the earth
If I express sadness in my ways, then I simply long for the days. When love ruled the earth. If my heart crashes, and the world is turned to ashes. Then I long for when love ruled the earth. And if you should ever wonder, about my latest blunder. Just comedic ways for love to rule the earth.


Love Forsaken
I thought that you were my love
The one sent from above
Then you started to nark a bit
My reality like a punch in a glove
Thought that it was happily ever after
Slippers and pipe on the sofa
Then you kicked my ass into town
Called me out for being a loafer
So in love and riding high on life
My darling love and strife
So now I know not where I am
In this little thing called life
So what happened to the wedding cake
When my heart you did break
Looks like I live on alone
As with another man you chose to roam
And so we have a little tale of woe
Just watch your heart where you go
Else you end up in a fix and glue
And end up in a heart without a clue


“I've turned into a hypochondriac. I keep finding new ways to be ill. I'm just mad about my new woman Doctor.”

Available on Amazon

Click Here

copyright dewyswriter 2024

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs, Jottings & Gags (3)







Two Paragraph Stories, Blogs, Jottings & Gags (3) 
exerpts from the ebook by Alan Ewing

 Two Paragraph Story


 Afternoon Tea

The quiet tones of Radio 3 filled the room as per usual that Sunday afternoon. The sound of Bach bringing a sense of contentment and being to proceedings for the day. The announcer’s voice was soothing as it filled the air with serenity and assurance as the frost clung to the window.
It was the kind of day so typical in the mind of everything that England should be. Afternoon tea being prepared with freshly baked cake to be served with it. And so nobody was prepared for the shock about to come. One of the silver spoons in the cutlery set had not been washed.


a conversation with a friend

Seriously, I find that it helps to see God in the feminine at times ... six of one, half a dozen of the other ... away from convention ... I read Biblical Books like "Song of Songs" and learn that God is far closer than we think. God is a personal matter, so the last thing we want is a friend talking at us about that which encompasses us all. I try to see this in science too, as Creation expands, until renewed. Though in the end, it is for us ourselves on a personal level to work it out. I always as a teenager loved what Jesus said, oh you know, about keeping your prayer in your room. Yes, I did the church gig and played music in there, lead services up to Intercession, backed for priesthood; though I still love the personal gig. I can't prescribe anything ... I just know that God is in everything that we do ... it is not a club.

I don't have all of the answers ... I just say Hallelujah anyway ... even when all seems dark ... I did that in prison in short spell there (unjust episode in life) ... I simply read The Lord's Word and prayed ... one of my most cherished memories in life was when I did a reading in the Chapel and guards and prisoners alike gave me a round of applause ... I knew then that God was with me and related so much to St Paul when he was imprisoned


She's The Boss

She's the Boss
What a loss
To be without her
Always the Boss
gets cross
I run and hide

Who is she?
I can see
Love her
She is Love itself
I am not bereft
With her in view

For She is God
Didn't you know
Other half to grow
See her in all
Hear her call
For She is God


It was all so hot. Water running off the walls. It had never been like this before in 30 years of marriage, within the bedroom. "Oh! Fecking Hell", screamed Brenda, "You left on the hot tap again!"

Available on Amazon

copyrightdewyswriter 2024