Thursday 10 October 2024

Word of God (words from somewhere), an Alan Ewing blog

words from somewhere 




YAHWEH/ALLAH/CHRIST/ALL OTHER FORMS THAT YOU KNOW: Why do you deny my existence? You parade me as war when I brought you Peace On Earth. You set up institutions in My Name. You call them churches and mosques and all manner of buildings. And yet you know not My Ways. Human hypocrites who only seek glory through your own ends. To know then you must seek Love ... all of this has been revealed and yet you persist with the ways of the fallen ones. To exorcise this will be your damnation. Graceful and Merciful I will be ... though My Wrath is for the war-mongers and the prejudicial within that. I Am Who I Am. There are those that know this. 

Sunday 22 September 2024

Let It Ride, a lyric by Alan Ewing

 Let It Ride
a lyric by Alan Ewing

I'm shutting you out of my thoughts
But you walk into my dreams
I see no way 'cause I'm caught
And I try to find another means

Let It Ride
Let It Go
Let It Flow

I try to get get you off my mind
I toss and I turn in the night
I go with the flow and try to be kind
Fight with the dark for the light

Let It Ride
Let It Flow
Let It Go
copyright dewysband2024

Sunday 25 August 2024

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (5) by Alan Ewing

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (5) 

by Alan Ewing

By The River Fender

Kitty’s flight path took her to Heathrow then a train To Lime Street, Liverpool. Though it was not the River Mersey that she was looking for. She took a 472 Bus to Wirral though it was not the River Dee that she was looking for. She alighted the bus on the borderline between Prenton and Landican.  She walked over the pedestrian high bridge and heading left on entry to the North West Trading Estate, she soon found himself walking beside the River Fender.

Kitty stopped to watch its flow on the spring thereby. She then proceeded to follow the pavement alongside the Fender. The place she sought soon came into view. It was the Memorial Stone with plaque for the 24 American Services Personnel who died in the crash of a US Liberator B24 in Landican in October 1944, just seven months before the end of World War II.  For Kitty was an American who had heard all about it and came to pay her respects.

The Day

How was your day?
It went astray
Boots so annoying
Underwear so boring
How was your night?
Such a flight
Cat shat on bed
Oh, my weary head

copyright dewyswriter 2024

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (4) by Alan Ewing

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (4) 

by Alan Ewing


Linda had always wanted to be a nurse since childhood. Her dedication saw her take the full nursing qualifications. Her professionalism saw her rise up the ranks. All the while she was driven by her belief in care for those who are in need of it. She had taken a reduction in hours later in her career in order to look after her elderly parents as they became immobile. All of this while raising a family of her own too, after marriage to a Doctor who was the love of her life.

Retirement would arrive for both she and her husband, and after two decades her husband passed away. This left Linda alone as she faced the onset of dementia and a general decline in her health. Though Linda’s ending years were not to be spent in nursing homes. Her three daughters, all nurses, rallied around and she spent many happy years in each of their homes. Mary’s legacy was her reward.


I call myself a communist
Yet that is so stained
All I want is equality
So works out my brain

Writing on the hoof of life
I just see the injustice
Why should all resources
Live in such lushness

War being a distraction
From a common plight
The poor always victims
Of that particular fight

And so now to action
To castigate the evil
Vanquish from our lives
Before we go medieval

copyright dewyswriter 2024

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (3) by Alan Ewing

A Two Paragraph Story and A Jotting, with videos (3)

 by Alan Ewing

Birkenhead Invasion

Another day in Birkenhead town centre. This, the one-time home of Wilfred Owen, Paul O’Grady, Patricia Routledge and Glenda Jackson. With Birkenhead Park the template for New York Central Park.  Preachers on the streets as always, together with Army stalls and people selling Talk Talk. Always the street musicians are out twanging their take on life. But this was to be no ordinary day in Birkenhead.

The first thing that changed was the vibrant animation of the town. Everything became still. The sound of engines buzzing began to sound. People became fearful. Was this an invasion of some kind? Panic was in the air for a minute or two. Then they appeared overhead. Twelve glorious World War Two Spitfires on their way to give salute to Cammal Lairds Shipyard. Birkenhead gave a sigh of relief. 


Now I know I'm bloody nuts

Now no time for any buts

I'm just insane and I love it

Because I am never above it

Just keep on being crazy me

Just the way I'm meant to be

My friends those who accept me

And they would never bereft me

And if this sounds like looney tune

Then it is for I am the biggest loon

For what does it mean to be sane

Other than playing a crazy game

copyright dewyswriter 2024

Friday 23 August 2024

A Two Paragraph Story, and A Jotting (2), with videos by Alan Ewing

Two Paragraph Stories & Jottings

by Alan Ewing

A two paragraph story ... 


This was the love affair to surpass all love affairs. The love-pangs were like nothing experienced before. The sheer sight of her had left its vision within the mind. Her voice resounded in the mind, and her presence walked within the heart. This was beauty itself within life expressed in human form.  Her strawberry blonde hair, the blue eyes that mesmerised, the dainty nose and the gorgeous smile with wonderful teeth were like poetry in motion. The way that she walked, and her poise as her petite figure danced through the air.

The wonders of the earth could never compare to her in all of their forms. She was like the grandest cities of the world all rolled into one. Her spirit knew no bound as it informed the universe. Her work was like that of an angel. The vision that she presented was one that any heart would long for in eternal happiness. Every waking day would start with thoughts about her. All thoughts and emotions resounding in yearning for her. Alas, she was taken in marriage. Though her inspiration and influence would live on. For she had brought answers and had taught the heart that it was possible to love again.

A Jotting

The Old Bic

They say that the old Bic

Is mightier than the pen

Coming in at 20p per throw

That's quite a bargain today

don't you know ...

For any writer worth his ink

Will know the value

For as he sits and tries to think

His cup of tea is his fuel

With trusty Bic the missing link

copyright dewyswriter 2024